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Business Class: dr. sc. Katarina Rojko - Before the job interview

U petak, 11. lipnja 2021. godine, s početkom u 12:00 sati, doc. dr. sc. Katarina Rojko predstavit će savjete, kako se pripremiti na razgovor za posao.

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This business class will provide students with advice how to prepare themselves for the job interview. Typical questions will be presented and appropriate answers will be discussed. Namely, when typical questions are known and answers prepared, the job interview is less stressful and job seeker is calmer and has more possibilities to show his strengths. Moreover, also some unexpected questions will be discussed and questions for different occasions. Nonetheless, it is not just about being prepared to give the right answer, it is also about telling the truth. Besides there are also other things to pay attention:
the right outfit, punctuality, business behavior…

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